Thursday 29 December 2011

I'm tired.

In fact I'm even tired of being tired.

An unforgiving tiredness has swept over me this last week... I've known nothing like it to possess my body before, and it's making me dread the next few months treatment.

Today is Tim's oldest boy, Izaac's 11th birthday.  They've all gone into town to the skating rink as promised for a birthday treat... I couldn't even entertain the thought of doing something quite so energetic which is depressing beyond belief.

I've been told to expect it, but when it comes with a price tag of not joining in on fun stuff with the family, (and we all know I hate missing out on that stuff) you can freaken keep it.

So folks, not such a great day today - lots of things running through my head and not all of it is wonderful if I'm honest.

I'm trying not to give these thoughts too much air time in my already busy life, so I'll leave it there and endeavour to be back with you in a new frame of mind in a couple of days.

Christmas was lovely, the first year out of the many so far that we didn't have to travel.  The weather was hot, the food delicious and the company was superior (and the afternoon nap necessary!).  We had a lovely but unsuccessful long-line fish in the evening, with a bonfire on the beach - kiwi Christmas personified.

The rain today has kept us from the beach, but I am grateful that it has dropped the air temperature somewhat - I was getting a little over the heat... good old human nature - I'm sure we complain no matter what!

Enjoy new years, we've got a beach one planned - hope it's not too wet

Ka Kite xx  

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